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Columbiana County Juvenile Court
Diversion Office
260 W. Lincoln Way
Lisbon, OH 44432
Ph: (330) 424-4071
Fax: (330) 424-6670
Our Mission: A proactive diversion program that impacts juveniles, families, schools, and communities to address truancy and behavioral issues
Our Goal: To provide an intervention in a youth's life that is pre-court involvement; to examine all referrals and determine what type of intervention best meets the needs of the youth, parents, school, and community so as to ensure that the youths have the opportunity to obtain the knowledge and skills that are needed to be productive citizens
Our Philosophy: Why is this program important? Research has revealed that truancy/ behavioral issues are a predictor, or a gateway, to future criminal behavior. Our focus is to educate the public about the importance of education and the serious consequences of truancy and/ or unruly behavior.
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